Oct 19, 2008



&&i've been up since 5 am! i cannot sleep.
my head is killing me.
and all my homework requires a computer except math.
which sucks.
i wrote the conclusion for the letter for environmental club, so CHECK.
now, what else do i have to do?
science/english/religion: nothing.
french: powerpoint presentation + answer questions.
careers/history: nothing.
music: practice.
math: questions.

its not that much i admit, but french is going to take a LONG time.
especially since i have to present - without reading - to the class.

and my head is hurting.
computers make my head hurt more.
nevermind - flute makes my head hurt more.
at least its dark. :)

gonna go make myself some lunch.
www.readthenact.blogspot.com for eco updates. :)


btw, for all those who are following on the hockey front, four people got cut from the team this morning. obviously not david cause he's the only goalie they have.
Chris M - shame.
GianCarlo M - we'll miss you gcar. :( Bruno? - big brute, did not know him.
Alex I - was on the team last year, but didnt hear too much about him.

Fortunately, #53 is still on the team. :) ;]

1 comment:

HEY! said...

omg why did they get cut?
thats tre tre sad? oui?
chris m sounds le tre tre cute oui?....