Oct 12, 2008

happy thanksgiving to all, and to all a goodnight. :)

yeah, i substituted merry christmas for happy thanksgiving.

lol, happy thanksgiving everyone. :)
wanna hear my super duper weird dream?
i was sleeping, and then i woke up! *GASP*
but before i woke up, i dreamt that i was somehow famous and best friends with miley cyrus? and we were in a parade, going down Yonge St waving. it turned out to be the santa claus parade. :D (my 2nd fave parade in the universe!) anyways, it was obviously near christmas but miley was shouting "HAPPY EASTER Y'ALL!" and i was just really really lost.
then i woke up. :)

yeah.. dont judge.
anyways, what was the point of this?
i feel like i havent really been blogging lately.
ive been trying to keep up with stuff. ie: working on the activism blog, finding other interesting blogs, fanficing (kinda), reading, doing hmwk, being active, going outside, and keeping up with my social life. which i am very proud of this year. ive been busy the past weekends, for quite a few weekends now. this weekend i went over to gios. the weekend before that was the st mikes dance. the weekend before that was charrs house + the clothing show. um... the weekend before that was when gio + pam came over? yeah.. dont really remember that far back. lol.

anyways, hopefully friday i will be going out with some old friends from bronze cross. :) twill be loads of fun. and tuesday is davids first official hockey game of the season! YAY! im actually excited. i miss his hockey games, surprisingly. more so, i miss the hockey players. ;] lol.

OH! im reading this great book. its called material girl. it doesnt have much of a plot, but its a total chick flick novel. i borrowed it from v (and will be giving it back soon!) and she'll totally love it. :) i kinda bookmarked some good quotes. its a great book, full of great advice.

it made me think. about love. about guys i thought i loved. but honestly, im only 15! i havent been in love. except with my friends and pets! i'll love you guys after death. :) even if you kill me, ill still love you guys cause at least i know you care. and my pets, i dont know how i could ever survive without them. but yeah... never been in love. and im not surprised. those couples who are like "i'll love you forever" when theyre 15, are either dreaming or insane. you're not gonna marry the guy that your dating when your 15, alright?

anyways, a few quotes:
"They [the branches of white Christmas lights] punctuate the functional with magic, and increasingly that's what I feel slipping away. My magic reserves are depleted, like dwindling natural resources and they need a little topping up. I need a world with a little more magic." - page 30, full paragraph is a much better quote but doesnt apply always.
"Hope and beautiful shoes, will carry you forward." - Page 241

yeah... thats two of my favourites.
V: when you're reading the book, highlight all of what Dolly says about Ben. good quotes. :) and what Tristan says when he's talking to the actors. another good quote. :)

Example, Quote from Dolly: "I love men, wretched as they are, ruinous as they can be for most girls, terrible and mixed up and confused and scared and petrified of anybody needing them and terrified of not being needed! But I, personally, have never had any interest in fear. I was never scared. I showed no interest in them, which is what got them every time. Of course, then, when they were desperate and needy, it repelled me even more. But it taught me an easy lesson: If a man gets what he wants too easily he thinks he should have tried for something better, that he has set his sights too low. ..."

yeah... well... au revoir!
unlike other books ive read. like showgirl. DO NOT READ THAT BOOK.
unless your kinky. blech.



HEY! said...

lmao im kinky :P ill read it :P LOLZ

Prudence said...

lmao angie.
its about horse racing and sex.
kinky crop sex.
yeah, you should read it.
ill bring it to school for you. :P

HEY! said...

will you thank you!!! c ant wait to read it :)