Oct 29, 2008

Gio's 10 Commandments/ Today/ RANDOM.

K, first of all: I hate it when people use words out of context. Like epic. IT PISSES ME OFF.

Epic was such a cool word. And now it's ruined. Thanks people.

Or like, when David says juice d'apple and thinks he's talking french. ITS JUICE DE FRICKEN POMME!

2nd: If you want to get me an awesome gift for my sweet 16, rent the Greenpeace balloon for me and 2 other ppls for an hour. :) I will love you, I guarantee it.

3rd: I'm in a bad mood, in case you can't tell.

4th: I was going to blog about today but I'll decide not to. I missed lunch due to me going with Pam and Gio to see Mrs Riggin. She's not even my history teacher. Went to Reach & the seniors were being mean. We were NOT being loud. Whatever. Took the bus home with Pam & Gio. Did not make me feel better.

I searched my blog on google, "we can save the world" and I found all these really cool sites that I'm going to blog about. I actually found another blog that was talking about my blog and I thought that was pretty cool. :) Don't you? Except the title was kinda weird. "we can save the world if we keep our top hats on." But it was talking about my blog and how the author had read it and it was giving tips on how going back to the way life was before would help us to save the world. I totally agree. They didn't call them the good ole days because they were bads. Although, we have made a lot of improvements in the world. Yet, these improvements have caused a lot of disimprovements, so do they really equal out or would we be better off if we hadn't made these improvements at all?

Btw, I know that that sentence didn't make sense but I'm too lazy to think of another word for "disimprovements".

I'm in a FOWL mood. Everybody is too busy. Including myself. Don't ask whats wrong unless you really want to know. And I know right now, that you don't. SO DO NOT ASK. It irks me when people pretend to care. And yes, I'm mean. I've been used and abused for my entire life, learn to deal with my trust issues ok? That will prove to me that I can trust you.

All I know right now is that my keyboard doesn't trust me, cause right now I'm killing it. :)

Gio's 10 Commandments, as promised:
1: Thou shall be obsessed with at least one Jonai or celebrity.
2: Thou must address everybody as child.
3: Thou must say FY to the I.
4: Thou must be optomistic.
5: Thou cannot use French words or speak French.
6: If thou can figure out a password, thou art an official hacker.
7: I must have the last word.
8: Thou must live life to the fullest.
9: If you art judged by your photos and you art not dubbed a freak, thou art unsuccesful in rule #8.
10: Thou must show your love for a teacher by creating a mascot, such as Marco or Lola.

Gio speaks. Lmao, Gio if you find anything of these things offensive, it's all in good fun and I didn't mean them to be offensive. <3


I'm uber cold so I'm going to go curl up in my room and do my uber amounts of math hmwk. Btw, Ms Avondo irks me. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MAKE A PROPOGANDA POSTER OVER ONE WEEKEND?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WTH IT IS!!!

dont talk to me.
ps: ill look like a loner. thats when my reflection will show who i am inside.
pps: im having a downer moment, dont judge.

1 comment:

sara said...

I used to say epic all the time. No one I knew said it. Then, everyone started saying it, so I stopped. Now, I say delicious. If people start saying that I will shoot myself.