Dec 29, 2010

Oh, irony

Remember how I liked a boy?

Well, now he has a girlfriend. I guess I'll get over him; what other choice do I have?
You know what, he's hurt me once before so never again will he hurt me.

"In all the lives of those around me, there seems to be an abundance of love, yet in my own this is what is lacking the most." - anonymous

Prudence B

Dec 25, 2010


Hey readers

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, despite the fact that anyone an hour or more ahead of Toronto will say that I'm too late.

Anyway, I had a very good Christmas. I got a replacement iPod for the one that got stolen in Ireland, but score: this one has a camera and FaceTime! I also got my own camera and it's awesome. It's not an SLR but it takes great photos, has a wicked awesome zoom and has a GPS! Wouldn't that have been awesome for the summer, considering that was when I did most of my traveling? Anyway, I got some really nice clothes too! Some new pants, a really cute shirt and an amazing dress.

Speaking of clothes, I don't understand how at some stores a size 0 is too big, yet at other stores a size 3 is too small. Tis ridicules! I'm actually really happy about how much weight I've lost. And no, it's not because I thought I was fat, just out of shape. But I'm much more fit now and I've manages to really tone my legs and buttocks. :)

This is the third time I've heard Crazy by Aerosmith today. I don't know why... But on that note, I think I like someone. Actually, I know I like him, I just can't decide if I want to get over him or let myself keep my feelings for him. Right now, I'm leaning toward the latter. Problem is that he lives really far away. Like, I couldn't even drive there far away. I'll see him again in a few months, I guess. Then we'll see where things go. Unfortunately, I have no idea how he feels. And I find myself more and more tempted to ask him or tell him how I feel, but somebody once told me that if a guy cares for me, he's only worth caring for if he has the courage to tell me. So I've been sticking to that since then. ... Anyway. He was what I really wanted for Christmas... Maybe it'll happen for my birthday. One can dream.

Well, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Love always,
Prudence B <3

Sep 21, 2010

toxin-free = weight loss?

just read. you will understand.

Prudence B.

Sep 16, 2010

Lots of articles

Hey readers,

So school has started up again and I've been surprisingly not too busy.
School is good, two spares are incredibly helpful and work doesn't start for another two weeks. :)

SO, I'm actually reading my email! :O

Here are a bunch of articles that are really interesting and I thought I would share.

More to come later. :)

Sep 7, 2010



I just need to vent.
I hate it when cute innocent kids all of a sudden become really arrogant and really cocky.

This guy who I've known since he was little was the nicest guy I've ever met.

Now, he's cocky as hell.

It bothers me.
Then again, he's a hockey player and thus, I am not overly surprised.

Oh well.

This summer has been interesting.
I feel like I've been changed for the better, but when thinking about it, I don't think I have.
I feel like more of a real person, someone who isn't perfect. It's a good feeling. :)

Unfortunately, back to my studious and boring ways now that school has started and it's all about UNIVERSITY.
Which I should really be researching rather than facebook/reading/blogging about nonsense.

Au revoir mes amis,
Prudence B.

Summer 2010

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello readers! :D

No doubt you've been wondering about my absense, or like my friends, you've been dying to hear stories about Ireland.

Well, there may be a time for that, but it is not now.
Neither will I tell you stories from my cottage.

For now, I want to talk about this:

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

It is actually the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!
Not only the sight, but the thought alone sickens me.

It's HUGE.
It's actually a huge dump in the middle of the Pacific, estimated to be twice the size of Texas! YUCK.

Anyway, I'm not going to tell you what you can read for yourself, but here's a funny mockumentary on the plastic bag.

I advise you watch it. :)

Prudence B.

P.S.: How was everyone's first day of school? I've got two spares this year. Happiness at last. :) Minus the fact that they're in the middle of the day! I just think this will FORCE me to do work, or I can take a long lunch. ;)

Jul 27, 2010


K, so readers.

Guess where I've been for the past month?!


Making new friends, pubbing and clubbing, meeting Irish boys, exploring the world, and getting a credit.

I had tons of fun, learned a lot and met the BEST people ever.

Despite all of this, I don't have time to post since I'm going to my cottage in the morning.

Prudence B. ;]


Jun 11, 2010


Exams, so no time to post.


That's it for today. :P

Jun 4, 2010

More Links :)


I'm so happy, it's unbelievable!

I have almost completely eliminated all of my stresses.
One physics project, which I'm not worried about, and one religion test, which I'm also not worried about, left to go!

Then exams.
Which I'm strangely, not worried about either.
I will be, soon.

I still haven't found anyone to go to the Bike In Movie with me.
But that's quite alright. :)


more links from my email. :)

That's it for today!

Have a great weekend!

Prudence B. ;)

Jun 3, 2010


Hey readers... or lack there of, as Angelina just pointed out.

I think this is the coolest thing ever.
It's like the greatest idea.

So, it's Pin It for the Planet Week at WWF.
They're asking people to pin their car keys to their shirts to show that they're not driving for the week.

It's interesting, but it's not the coolest thing ever.


I think it's suhweet.
Eff you Jess.
She's looking over my shoulder, laughing at me.


here's the link:

Wanna go?

Prudence B. ;)

May 24, 2010


So, I've been busy.

And my email inbox is piling up.
So I just finished my Music ISU - YAY ME! - and I decided I deserved a break.

Here are the articles I wish I could read now, but don't have time for. :)

May 21, 2010



I am so excited.
I just got back from the Taylor Swift concert.
She is honestly the prettiest and sweetest girl I've ever seen.

She is so cute, she got so teary eyed when she heard how loud we screamed for her.
That's the sweetest and humblest thing I have ever seen!

My May has been mega hectic!
Between ISUs, work, writing report cards, and trying to have a life, I've been extrememly mega busy.

But, today marked the day that starts the best week + a bit of my year!

Saturday, May 22: First Saturday since Easter I get to sleep in. Also, last DI meeting for the year, then sleepover at Angie's.
Monday, May 24: Finish ALL work for rest of year except exams. LEAVE FOR TENNESSEE.
THEN, FOR THE NEXT WEEK, I get a break from school and I get to go to Knoxville, Tennessee.

I'm sooooooooooo looking forward to it.
And in DI, we've stepped EVERYTHING up a couple of notches.

Just like in Glee, when Artie steppped up his dancing. ;)

I'm mega tired from my mega busy day today.
So, goodnight! <3

Prudence B. ;)

May 14, 2010

Important Announcement:

Hey readers.

So, important announcement:

If you do not know the difference between bragging and pride, then please learn what it is. :)

There are many people out there who don't know the difference, and think that whenever you are PROUD of something that YOU have ACCOMPLISHED and worked HARD for, that you are bragging. Even if you state afterwards, "I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, and I apologize if it sounds like I am."

And another thing, if you're JEALOUS, do not go ruining other people's parades because they are proud. They're not bragging. Guaranteed.

Which reminds me, I heard a story today that I thought I would share.

I tried to stay out of it, but my opinion needs to be stated.

So, a friend of a friend was apparently talking about people behind their backs... Knowing the person somewhat, this honestly didn't surprise me. However, our mutual friend - a really good person - told their friend that if they were going to talk bad about people, not to do it when my friend was around.

So, apparently, friend-of-friend was angry at friend because friend was sticking up for not only her other friends, but also everyone else that friend-of-friend was talking about.

Now, here's the distressing part.
Friend-of-friend got angry! They felt that friend didn't have the right to say that, so friend was upset and went to APOLOGIZE.

Can you believe that?!

I felt so bad for friend, because they shouldn't have been guilted into apologizing, when in my opinion, they did nothing wrong. I didn't realize that encouraging good behaviour and discouraging rude behaviour was something to apologize for.

Remind me to apologize to a lot of people.

Anyway, I'm done ranting for today.
Prudence B. ;]

PS: Shout out to Anne, Jess & Ash. I love you all! <3

May 10, 2010

Cat Nip Balls, thanks to PETA

So, I've been procrastinating.

I have so much work to do, but I got a lot of it done over the weekend.

I felt very productive. :)

Anyway, today was supposed to be yet again, another productive day.

However, I got home, took a nap, read, then worked on my homework.
I got one assignment done.

Now, I'm supposed to be making lesson plans for work, but I decided to get rid of the 27 emails that are haunting my inbox.

So, here's the article on how to make cheap cat nip balls for your feline friends.

Also, a very interesting fact from the monthly SPCA International Newsletter:
The fur production industry isn’t only cruel to our beautiful animal friends; it also does extensive damage to our environment. According to the Industrial Pollution Projection System, the fur dressing and dyeing industry is one of the five worst industries for toxic metal pollution to the land. Mink, foxes, raccoon dogs, and rabbits are common species exploited for their fur.

Speaking of homework, my assignment was on laughter therapy.
So, we could all use a laugh.
And why not be green while doing it? [I should really post this on my OTHER blog, oh well]


Prudence B. ;)

Apr 28, 2010

Too Busy to Blog

Sorry guys.

Life is hectic atm.
Then again, when is it not, right?

I'm currently lesson planning for my swimkids that I teach.
Fun, fun, fun, right?

Anyway, I wanted to delete my emails because they've been driving me insane with temptation.

So, here's the articles I don't have time to read but def. will later!

... Hmm, turns out there's just one.

But you guys should totally sign the petition to save chimpanzees from becoming bushmeat!

Prudence B.

Apr 17, 2010

Saturday Night Snoredom

So, this weekend has been decided by my too-busy-for-me-friends to be my chill weekend.

Unfortunately, I'm so restless and bored.
So, after attempting to watch How to Train your Dragon a couple of times (and failing miserably), I've decided to see if there's anything I like in stores that I used to love but now don't like so much...

Like, H&M, or Forever 21...

Anyway, so H&M has this Fashion Studio thing where you get to dress up models.
So I decided to try it, and I'm bored.
So, I am going to share with you my boredom.

Those were all I did before I let my bro have the computer.

Which reminds me, great season beavers! :D

prudence b.

Mar 30, 2010

More Spring Inbox Cleaning

Just more articles, guys.
Oh, most of the titles are in the link. :)
Ecojustice Blog #1
Ecojustice Blog #2
Ecojustice Blog #3

Guys, I'm so happy!
My inbox is cleaned up until March!

-Prudence B. ;)

Mar 29, 2010

Email & Articles

Hey readers.

So, long story short, I'm cleaning out my inbox.
I have WAY too many articles and junk in here that I'm never going to look at ever again.
Most of it I was saving for my other blog, but I don't think that's going to be happening any time soon.

You see, I recently got a job (yay for me!) and I'm involved in what seems like soooooo much at school, so I really do NOT have time to blog. All of my free time has a to-do list attached to it.

I am cleaning out my inbox, and I have decided that I'm going to post the interesting articles here, in case I ever decide to come back and refer to them.
I am sure they'll be in the website storage bin, but I think this is better.

Feel free to read them, if I'm saving them, it means that I give them at least one thumbs up. :) <-- my question. ;)

Mar 14, 2010

3 Days

Dear people who read this blog,
It is now officially 3 DAYS LEFT until PrudenceB, Anti-Princes or my BFF's birthday!
Yes that does mean that her birthday is on March 17,aka St.Patricks Day.
Yup Yup!
So I'm here to start the countdown, and its gonna be a good one :) !!!!

Mar 13, 2010

Trouble in Paradise

You know how I was going to go to bed? Well, my cat won't get up. I can't decide whether or not to wake her. She's in a really deep sleep, and she's so cute - she's purring!

Wish me luck,
Prudence B

S is for Savvy

It's also for Saturday.
Hey guys and gals.
What's up with all of you?

My Saturday has been extraordinaire. Wanna hear about it? Well, for today I'm going to treat you like my friends. I'm going to talk, and if you choose to listen then that's your fault. :)

I slept in my freshly washed sheets last night, and there's nothing better than freshley washed sheets! So, I woke up around 10, then watched the news and Save the Last Dance with my awesome cousin, Steph, and mommy dearest. Then after brunch (mmmmm, eggrolls), Steph and I hopped on the subway and went to Chinatown/ Kensington Market. It was fun, especially considering I hadn't been shopping there before.

We didn't have all that much time, and I didn't have all too much money so I didn't get too muuch, but we looked around a bunch. What we did end up buying was a new grey hat, a purse, Angie's birthday gift (I bought), some movies, and two pairs of sunglasses, one for Steph and one for myself. Then we met up with Steph's friend Sarrah.

They were gonna do something down there, I'm almost sure of it, but I had to go back uptown. So, I caught the streetcar hen subway. WEIRDEST THING: I'm sitting at the station, waiting for the subway, and this random girl comes and sits beside me! It's not like there was nowhere else to sit, the entire bench was empty. But rather than sit in her own personal bubble like a regular person, she decides to intrude mine! I didn't mind, and I do suppose I couldve been friendly and started a conversation, but she was sitting RIGHT beside me and I was caught off guard. Then, atop of that, the subway that comes has to be the slowest subway ever. It made me late for church.

After church, I met up with two of my good friends: Diana and Emily. I was a bit early since by time I heard about the slight change of plan, I was already at the mall. So, I went to Indigo and bought Tempted, the latest installment of the House of Night novels. Not that I'm into those vampire novels, but these ones are pretty good. Which reminds me, Heather gave me a book to read that was written by her friend's mom, called Hunger Games. I saw it today at Indigo, on the top 20 recommended list! I thought it was cool.

Dee, Em and I ended up seeing She's Out of my League, which was pretty good. It was funny and cute. It reminded me of something, but I can't tell you, now can I? ;)

Now, I'm at home and I should be packing. I leave for Sudbury tomorrow, which should be so much fun. Note the sarcasm. Instead of packing, I think I'm going to take my makeup off and go to bed.

Have a great March Break,
Prudence B-toes

PS : my Friday night is coming. Oddly enough, it's considerably longer than this. :)

Mar 9, 2010

Anna Banana

Hey readers.

I don't know if I told you but I got an iPod touch for Christmas and I'm blogging from it for the first time. Yes, I feel cool.

I guess I just wanted to try it and hopefully, improve my typing since I make a lot of mistakes. (I apologize in advance.)

So, shout out to my friend Anna who said she was gonna read my blog. HI ANNA! I haven't read her blog yet but that's next on my to-do list so... It's, if anybody wants to read it avec moi. Which reminds me, the lovely Angie has a new blog, which you can find in my favourites or followers or whatever.

I think I'm done for now, cause I need to go to grade eight night to help out my math teacher. We're hopefully gonna get AP sweaters next year, cause we're the coolest AP nerds ever. I'm kinda pysched for that. :)

Prudence B;]

Mar 7, 2010


Hey readers.

Sorry about the spam from Gio and Anne. I quite frankly have NO IDEA what they were talking about, or why the sudden interest to blog...?

One question for them: Anne, who's Mike? ;)

Anyway, this blog is not about them. It is about the beautiful and lovely Angelique.

She's such a doll, but I hate her keyboard. I cannot seem to type on it. Which is odd, because last night I was perfectly fine with typing.

Long story short, I was going to blog until she woke up. But I think my typing/ my asking her how to turn on her computer woke her up, so now I'm boring her.

She says I'm not, but I want to play Rockband in bed. Which should be interesting.

Oh, Mona left. Tear.

So, we went to dinner at the Pickel Barrel, much like I did the night before, but that is irrelevant in this blog post. We both looked gorgeous, if we may say so ourselves. I LOVED Angie's dress and boots. They were killer. Anyway, we ate, kind of backwards for me. I had dessert first, then an appetiser, but whatever. Halfway through dinner, I had the urge to sleepover at Angie's, just because our time at dinner was simply not long enough. So, guess what happened?

I'm sure you can guess, based on the fact that I mentioned bed about thirty times. And sleep. And her cat.

So, we took some pictures. Danced. Had some fun. Then had a very nice and long conversation while we fell asleep. Of course, the night ended with me telling a story. What a shocker.

Prudence B-toes. ;]

Feb 24, 2010

We're Like Cocroaches, we just keep coming BACK!

Spam much? No
Despite the fact , (wait anne what did you say?.. oh) Despite the fact that our last post was three seconds ago, we could not get enough of you lovely readers. Just remember, always let X = undefined. And denomanatiaotijaitoa's always = o. THE END

You've Got Nothin On Us

Hello readers of this blog!
This is Anne and Gio here to takeover!
Yes, we are the Pink Smarty Party and suggest you avoid
Jack Layton, for he will EAT YOUR BABIES.
Anne thinks shes smart because she THINKS she can spell, but let me tell you something Anne, I will tell Gerardo about you and MIKE!!!!!!
AHAH YES! I WATCH AS YOU STAND 10.02m APART FLYING KITES. Yes thats right, you thought no one would notice, WELL NOT TODAY. And dont you dare blame Mrs.F for she only lead us to the conclusion that you were TOO close. ANWAYS, readers, moral of the story is DONT EAT YELLOW SNOW.
That is all.

Jan 16, 2010


Yesterday at school we had an extended, two-hour orchestra practice (in which I play the flute). Afterwards another girl came up to me and told me that she felt exhausted after holding her violin for so long. Then I said 'Yeah, well you try blowing for two hours straight!". We both pretended I didn't say that. MLIA.

Jan 9, 2010

New Year

First off, Happy New Year.

Secondly, this post relates to the first hockey game of the new year, which has by far had the best ending. Comparable, but not as awesome, as the World Juniors Gold Game - Canada should've won. Eberle is my new love.

But, anyway...

I'm kind of bored, and I want to spread the awesomeness of this awesome ending!

So, the entire game, our team is trailing by 1. 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3.

1:45 left in the third period. 3-3. The opponents shoot, goalie covers it. So, they storm the net and charge the goalie. Instantly, his teammates are in a brawl. Everybody is fighting, everybody is throwing punches. Even little Anthony, the fiestiest player on the team, and my new hero. People are jumping, people are pulling players down, people are in heaps. David is just in his net, watching in awe. Eventually, everybody skates to the bench, except two players - Rob and one of the opponents. Everytime the other guy got up, Rob pulled him down and continued hitting him. This other guy was so beyond losing. Rob dominated, along with everyone else. But this was just too funny.

So, afterwords, we expect them to get at least one penalty for goalie interference, or fighting, or roughing or SOMETHING. But no. We got 2 penalties and something like 4 suspensions. They got one. It was completely NOT FAIR. So, now, its 5 on 3, with the other team having a two-man advantage. My proudest moment, I yelled: "BOO!" In a mere three seconds, our entire side of the arena is booing the refs. I felt so proud. (:

Anyway, so they continue playing. 5 on 3. David made amazing saves. There's 12 seconds left, in our zone. Somebody passes to Adam, who skates up, past the four enemy players who are on our blueline, in front, break away... He SHOOTS. HE SCORES. A 2 MAN SHORT HANDED GOAL WITH 11 SECONDS LEFT IN THE GAME. It was AWESOME to say the least.

Everyone was in awe. At this point, our entire team and all of the fans were practically in a riot. But twas amazing. That's all that matters.

I love hockey.
Prudence B. ;]