Oct 4, 2008

Kool Blogs

Happy Animal Action Week. :)
It's put on by IFAW the first week of October. That means from Oct 4th (TODAY!!!) to Oct 10th. :) This year's theme, Marine Life. Check out the http://www.animalactionweek.org/ website for more details and TAKE THE PLEDGE to reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle plastic. :)

Yeah, just a quick update on my activism efforts. Not really too much success, but... I try. OH! And IFAW has a really cool rescue blog. Cause they help out with the hurricanes and typhoons and stuff like that and I find it really interesting to read. Btw, I think my friend's are starting to get annoyed with the animal rights and eco friendly stuff... So, I'm gonna leave it alone for a while except for the occasional comment. (PS: I know you guys are reading this and agreeing with me! Saying something along the lines of "THANK THE LORD!")

Anyways, speaking of cool blogs. I was surfing the web and found some pretty cool blogs. There's this one called the Catiologist or something and it's all about cats. And the Longstockings is a site about Teen Books. It's really cool to read. And I'm not a stalker, but I like reading other people's blogs. Just on normal daily lives. I've always been really fascinated with blogs and like keeping up to date on other people's lives and being able to share cool stories.

Unfortunately, I don't speak all the languages. Eg: This blog looks really cool. http://us-jule.blogspot.com/ and is the first one I've found that is written by a fellow teen. :) Unfortunately, it is in a foreign language that je ne comprends pas and I have no clue how to translate. Which reminds me, I have to do my French hwmk. Joy.

Anyways, I haven't really have an in depth blog in a while, have I?
I guess I've been busy. I've been trying to keep up with my posting, but it's just so exhausting. And my activism blog is way behind. I don't know why I try so hard, I mean nobody reads it anyways! But... Whateves. Then there's the fanfics. I have to stay up to date with those. And I'm getting so much hmwk, and getting home so much later. Not that I don't mind, Gio. I don't mind at all. <3
Then there's my daily shows. Sunday: Gossip Girl. Monday: Heroes. Tuesday: 90210. Wednesday: ANTM. Thursday: Smallville... Yeah. Who knew watching TV was so much work? And because 2/5 of those shows are on at 10, I'm staying up later and am therefore more tired. I therefore am taking more naps and spending less time on the computer because I have way more homework than last year and am actually practicing my flute! Yeah...
And I have no time for reading or relaxing. It's really quite weird. I mean, last year, it seemed like I had too much free time and this year it seems like I have none at all.

I'm overstressed. Over stupid things.
I need a better schedule. And to be more organized.

So, yeah. Sorry I'm behind on posting.
On all three of my blogs.
And my scrapbooking is WAY behind. Like, WAY WAY.
Oh, for all the people who read this who don't know me (if there's any) I made a quick and very boring video blog on Youtube. Look up msmango17 (my YT account) and you'll find it. And one of my cat dancing? But yeah... Lol. NO LOOKING FOR PAM, GIO & SARA! I have a surprise for you guys and I show it in the video. No peeking!


PS: What happened to my other alias? I'm too lazy to change it now.

PPS: I'm going through random blogs on blogger and this blog came up. http://maldivaperu.blogspot.com/# I love the shirts. :) Esp. the polka dotted one. Mais, tis $40!!! Maybe I should try Stumble instead. But, I don't know what to stumble upon?

PPPS: Another blog I wish was translated! http://yeegua.blogspot.com/

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