Oct 9, 2009

Google vs Yahoo War

Google wins. EPICLY. Behemoth win.

Just a few examples of WHY:

Midgets are...
"If you had to guess, as a species, would midgets be more or less flammable than humans?"

If your life..
"If your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face"

David is..
"David is standing behind Ashley and Ashley is standing behind David."
"David is to be returned to Italy as quickly as possible."

Anne is...
"Anne is a speed freak."
"Anne is a man."

Megan is..
"Megan is a fox."
"Megan is a man."
"Megan is mean."
"Megan is hot."

Animals have..
"Animals have souls."
"Animals have feelings and emotions."
"Animals have the right to be tasty."

Oct 4, 2009

Nuit Blanche

Can you guess what I just got home from?
It's pretty obvious, dontcha think?

Lol. Nuit blanche: twas a blast.
I went with Ellen and Angelina, and we had so much fun.
We went to a bunch of stuff that we didn't really find too entertaining but it doesn't matter.
We went to the ROM, and we first went into the gift shop.
We spent a good ten minutes in the gift shop, just looking at the cool environmental stuff - ie: liquid cardboard, cardboard chairs, books, t-shirts, etc.
So, we're about to leave, thinking, We've had our fun, when the person at the door is like: "You didn't see the exhibit yet." So, we go upstairs and there's an exhibit with a bunch of pictures from the past vanity fairs.

Twas pretty cool, admittedly.
We also saw some dance lessons, and the shoe museum, some astronomical stuff, the Royal Conservatory - cute strawberry playing some weird instrument, and some other stuff. We only ended up going to 7 places in total, I think. Here's why.

We were walking out of the Shoe Museum, going towards Yonge, when we see this ghost. So, we're all like: "OMGSH! Let's follow the ghost!" Turns out, there were a bunch of people following the ghost, which was following a bus, which was playing music. And let's just say, they weren't exactly the best kind of people. So, we figure, we'll just walk with them until we get to the street we're looking for. Then, they head into Science Camp. We just about died with laughter. It was HYSTERICAL.

So, the moral of the evening was simply: Do not follow ghosts.

I got a few pictures, but I probably won't post them.
Prudence B.

PS: I wore heels, which probably wasn't smart, but they're new and I love em. So now, the balls of my feet are screaming in anger and pain. But oh well... Twas a great night. :)