Oct 30, 2008
Makes me think of my friends.
Like, today at the religion retreat and we were all leaders. 95% of those people don't care about the environment, and if they do, then they don't act on it. Ie: my friends who are in environmental club (PAM & GIO!) don't read my eco blog (not upset) to learn about the current issues or seem to do anything. No offense guys, I love you. :)♥ Gio, don't mean to put you on the spot but do you know how much plastic you would save if you bought a lunch box instead of plastic bags every day? Or your own silver utensils instead of use once & throw away ones? Or if you used containers? I know that you don't like containers but still! Or this morning when you laughed at me for picking up the Timmies. We were outside the Tim Hortons and I was picking up litter. What's the big deal? The big deal is that these tiny little things help MAJORLY. That was the point of the video that everybody thought was so boring today.
I'm starting to think that the world doesn't care again, because as inspiring as those stories are and as much as they should give me hope, the fact that almost nobody was paying attention takes away that hope and gives me a feeling of utter failure.
Then, I'm reading this article about when pets die and the comparison between animal and human deaths. They're both sad, but so many people think "it's just a pet". Honestly, it's not. It's a best friend and they're there for you when your human friends aren't. They're someone who you know you can count on no matter what, who you know won't talk about you behind your back and who you know will love you unconditionally. I can find that my cat's food bag is empty and the store is closed for the weekend, and Monday morning when she hasn't eaten since Friday, she still loves me. Of course, usually she just goes hungry overnight and I usually give her some fish but... NOT THE POINT.
Also, when an animal dies, nobody seems to give you the help that you need.
I love you guys, but sometimes you aren't understanding. At all.
Sorry, don't mean to rant but I'm missing Bezhik.
Sorry again. Please don't take anything personally because I don't mean to offend you guys. Happy Halloween.
Check out pet tips @ http://www.readthenact.blogspot.com/
Oct 29, 2008
i want it that way - backstreet boys.
okay.. we're all gay.
just wanted to include that little snippet of the BETTER version of the song. :)
btw, im prepared for hate mail. lol.
PS: Feeling a lot better, somewhat.
Gio's 10 Commandments/ Today/ RANDOM.
Epic was such a cool word. And now it's ruined. Thanks people.
Or like, when David says juice d'apple and thinks he's talking french. ITS JUICE DE FRICKEN POMME!
2nd: If you want to get me an awesome gift for my sweet 16, rent the Greenpeace balloon for me and 2 other ppls for an hour. :) I will love you, I guarantee it.
3rd: I'm in a bad mood, in case you can't tell.
4th: I was going to blog about today but I'll decide not to. I missed lunch due to me going with Pam and Gio to see Mrs Riggin. She's not even my history teacher. Went to Reach & the seniors were being mean. We were NOT being loud. Whatever. Took the bus home with Pam & Gio. Did not make me feel better.
I searched my blog on google, "we can save the world" and I found all these really cool sites that I'm going to blog about. I actually found another blog that was talking about my blog and I thought that was pretty cool. :) Don't you? Except the title was kinda weird. "we can save the world if we keep our top hats on." But it was talking about my blog and how the author had read it and it was giving tips on how going back to the way life was before would help us to save the world. I totally agree. They didn't call them the good ole days because they were bads. Although, we have made a lot of improvements in the world. Yet, these improvements have caused a lot of disimprovements, so do they really equal out or would we be better off if we hadn't made these improvements at all?
Btw, I know that that sentence didn't make sense but I'm too lazy to think of another word for "disimprovements".
I'm in a FOWL mood. Everybody is too busy. Including myself. Don't ask whats wrong unless you really want to know. And I know right now, that you don't. SO DO NOT ASK. It irks me when people pretend to care. And yes, I'm mean. I've been used and abused for my entire life, learn to deal with my trust issues ok? That will prove to me that I can trust you.
All I know right now is that my keyboard doesn't trust me, cause right now I'm killing it. :)
Gio's 10 Commandments, as promised:
1: Thou shall be obsessed with at least one Jonai or celebrity.
2: Thou must address everybody as child.
3: Thou must say FY to the I.
4: Thou must be optomistic.
5: Thou cannot use French words or speak French.
6: If thou can figure out a password, thou art an official hacker.
7: I must have the last word.
8: Thou must live life to the fullest.
9: If you art judged by your photos and you art not dubbed a freak, thou art unsuccesful in rule #8.
10: Thou must show your love for a teacher by creating a mascot, such as Marco or Lola.
Gio speaks. Lmao, Gio if you find anything of these things offensive, it's all in good fun and I didn't mean them to be offensive. <3
I'm uber cold so I'm going to go curl up in my room and do my uber amounts of math hmwk. Btw, Ms Avondo irks me. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MAKE A PROPOGANDA POSTER OVER ONE WEEKEND?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WTH IT IS!!!
dont talk to me.
ps: ill look like a loner. thats when my reflection will show who i am inside.
pps: im having a downer moment, dont judge.
Hockey Updates
That is the Downsview Beavers Select Team.
You want to know why I'm going on a beaver hunt?
And no, I'm not being harsh. They lost 5-0. Half of them didn't show up - THEY ONLY HAD 9 PLAYERS!!!! NINE!!!! That means that David had to work extra hard, and that one player had to double shift from every line. Cause they didn't even have two lines!!! And, I was pissed. Gameplay was slow, they sucked, they didn't help David at all. Btw, David played exceptionally, even though I'm a smidge bit biased. Angie, thank goodness you didn't come to the game. It was so boring. The players were about as into the game as I was, which isn't saying much since I was more interested in unbraiding my scarf. Stupid knots.
SO. Game play was slow, check. Players sucked, check. Nobody showed up, check. It was uber quiet, it was weird. And Joseph - who is like, the tasmanian devil of the team - was suspended and he came to watch. Honestly, you're not as cool as you think you are. Andrew came to watch too. He's not playing this year. He played last year with the team, but he's a 95 whereas they're all 94s. So, he's not playing this year. But he came to watch so I guess that's nice.
I don't talk to a lot of them, but it's not stalkerish how I know their names. It's pretty easy when David talks about them constantly. So, yeah. NOT A STALKER.
But the game sucked. It was boring. We had no fans.
Rob (Gian Carlo's dad) was there, so it was nice to talk to him. I miss watching Gian Carlo play, and Daniel surprisingly enough. Sigh. Oh well. Hockey this year is going to suck. I can tell already. And 53 wasn't there. Major bummer.
Gonna go eat lunch now. Cause I'm in the liberry with Gio et Pam.
Au revoirs mes cherris.
FY to the I (yeah gio, im listening to your rule: THOU MUST SAY FY TO THE I) cherris means darlings. For all y'all that didn't know.
Btw, I'm writing Gio's 10 commandments. ^ That gave me the idea. :D
Oct 25, 2008
trick or treat.
and treat.
your choice.
yeah, im a pushover.
well, whats the point again?
oh yes, i posted. xD
and i fixed my blog! woo hoo! check out the 3 columns. ;) www.readthenact.blogspot.com
now all i have to do is stay up-to-date with the updates.
twill be fun. promise. :)
call or send me a msg or talk to me at school.
you guys can come home avec moi right after school on friday then we can go trick or treating for a few hours and stalk some old friends. :)
that i really cant say on my blog.
because then people will get mad at me.
but what i can say on my blog is the following:
i hate french.
i hate this french project.
i should be doing french.
but im waiting for my mommy to get home so she can make me breakfast.
i hate how my plans now have to go with not only my brother's hockey schedule, but all his friend's too! on the plus side, i still manage to have somewhat of a life.
fyi, we're going skating for davids birthday.
what fun... me and 20 other hockey players.
i hate how everything nowadays seems to make people mad.
and i hate how everybody seems to always be upset.
which only makes me more upset.
and i hate how my horoscope warned me about this!!
i miss my cottage.
thats what i need right about now.
a nice soothing relaxing getaway from everything.
i need to daydream for a good week straight.
i need to be somebody else for a bit.
i need...
you figure it out.
right about now, i think i need some hot cocoa and to start my french.
PD Day

We're in H&M (WHICH IS ANIMAL FRIENDLY!) and we all decide to try on 7 things. Except for Gio, who tries on 6. ANYWAYS. We all tried on these gold dresses, which I didn't like on me. But it looked good on Gio & Anne. Typical, n'est pas? BTW, THERE IS A BUG ON MY MONITOR AND IT IS TOTALLY CREEPING ME OUT!!!!!
Then, we all had numerous different things. Anne looked gorgeous in that white somewhat see through shirt dress thing and that purple top! I didn't see too much of Gio's clothes, but that flapper dress was amazing on her! As for moi, I found a few things that I really liked but for $40! SHIT. I'm not rich! Yeah. The shirt seen in the above photo is explaining my disgusted face. Cause this shirt, was disgusting. It looked like puke on fabric, ok? And it looked absolutely horrible on me. Yet, I loved (loved, loved, LOVED!) the navy skirt. It kind of reminded me of the kilt, but whateves. I still loved it... But what I loved more was this beautiful silk-immitation pink dress that was amazing on me. Except, it was really low, but a tank could easily fix that... But for $40, I wouldn't be able to eat. And a lace black dress that I also loved. And the brown skirt that both Anne and I tried on. I actually loved a lot of the clothes... Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Gonna stop gushing now.
Then, we left H&M empty handed except for our free magazines. They're FREE! I like free stuff. :) We went to Icon and tried on these lovely pairs of shoes! They were simply to die for. Only, Gio didn't try any on. :( Then, she tells us that we're going to be late for the show! SO, we ran. We ran, we ran so far away... SORRY. We NEED to stop at the Body Shop though.
They have a new campaign called Make Yourself Beautiful, and you can sign the petition to use animal friendly products. :) So, we hang out there for a bit and try on some free makeup. I didn't want to try out the perfume, so I go up to Anne and say, "May I borrow your wrist?" She sticks out her wrist and I spray some on her. Then, apparently, she spelt like baby powder? I don't know. I just knew that I did NOT like it. LMAO.
We FINALLY arrive at the theatres to find the popcorn line, frickin HUMUNGEOUS! Huge is an understatement. Gigantic is an understatement. All the elephants in the world would be like a tenth of this line, you comprende? So, Gio is standing in line and I suggest that me & Anne (since we're sharing) go buy popcorn at Kernels instead. Gio wants the movie popcorn so we run. We stop to get directions so we won't get lost. Want to know our directions? BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. If you get to Holt, you've gone too far. LMAO. Then of course, we started saying BOOM like 1000 times/ second. So I start singing Boom Boom Boom Boom by the Vengaboys. (Gio, we need to stop breaking out into song) We get our popcorn and return to Gio, who hasn't moved in line. Anne goes to go reserve some seats while me and Gio wait in individual lines to ensure that one of us will be in the shorter line. It ended up being me... NOT THE POINT. We were talking to each other, loudly OBV!, from one lineup to the other. Apparently the lady behind Gio was complaining to her oh-so-important phone call. Whateves.
We finally get our drinks and we get into the movie, where we've missed like 15 minutes. I personally loved it. I thought it was cute and romantic and clever. So happy I didn't see it with the guys from Cross, cause I would've been gushing the whole time and they would've been telling me to shut up. Lol.
Then, I get a ride home with Gio (Thank you! (: ) I'm at home for 2 hours by myself with nothing to do, so I blast my ipod very loudly and put on my random clothes. Yeah, I actually liked my outfit cause it was wild and insane and something that I would never wear out of the house. Unless I suddenly became very courageous? And yes, the picture is in the bathroom cause its the only room in my house with a full length mirror. So... I do that for a bit, post some random shuffle blogs. Et cetera.
Then, Lea's like: "OMG YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COME SKATING!" Lmao, only less weirdly. More like, "what are you doing tonight? wanna come skating?" ANYWAYS.
I ended up going skating with Lea, Maria, Kely and Elysa. Twas great loads of fun. Now, I haven't skated in like 2 years but I managed to get a hang of it pretty quickly. Kinda? For some reason, I was striding with my right foot but not my left. And it was bugging me. THE ENTIRE TIME. But the two workers were pretty hot. And apparently, according to Lea, they were checking me out. Oh well. Then, I went with the famz to Dylan's hockey game. Dylan from last year's select. Funniest kid in the world!
They lost. REALLY badly. I won't give details since I really wasn't paying attention. I was trying to buy a Beatles ringtone for my phone, cause the Veronicas are starting to become tiresome. Dylan got taller, I think? He's going to Cham. It seems like everybody is! It's really weird. Well... Then I came home and watched a lot of TV. South Park, comedians, Simpsons, Naturally Sadie, etc. Now, I'm posting. See my mini collage below. :)
Oct 24, 2008
Lyrics, Not Titles
1. How am I feeling today?:
She was all I ever wanted, she was all I ever needed and more.
2. Will I get far in life?:
When you're feeling sad and low, we will take you where you gotta go.
3.How do my friends see me?:
Dear your name here, it's been a long time, a very long time since I heard your voice and I bet you never thought I was so sorry so, I've had a hard time, very hard time, seeing less of you.
4.Where will I get Married?:
Living in my own world, didn't understand that anything can happen when you take a chance.
5.What is my best friend's theme song?:
It took too long, it took too long, it took too long for you to call back.
6.What is the story of my life?:
Everyday I try to play another game but my heart can't take it!
7.What will highschool be like?:
You don't understand what it is that makes me tick, but you wish you did.
8.How can I get ahead in life?:
If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that.
9.What is the best thing about me?:
Is there a whole in your heart, or am I mistaken?
10.How is today going to be?:
Buck teeth, bark in my claws cause I'm a tree critter!
11.What is in store for this weekend?:
Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember.
12.What song describes my parents?:
I lie awake on this phonecall, she's dreaming of better days.
13.To describe my grandparents?:
Ole, ole, ole, we are the champions, ole!
14.How is my life going?:
I woke up - it was seven, waited till 11, just to figure out that no one would call.
15.What song will they play at my funeral?:
What I like about you, you hold me tight.
16.How does the world see me?:
I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside, but thick as you are pay attention!
17.Will I have a happy life?:
Beethoven's 5th...
Please tell me what is taking place, cause I can't seem to find a trace.
18.What do my friends really think of me?:
Am I more than you bargained for yet?
19.Do people secretly lust after me?:
Run, run like you do.
20.How can I make myself happy?:
Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street.
21.What should I do with my life?:
Oooh, you're making me live, whatever this world can give to me.
22.Will I ever have children?:
Conversation, such a conversation piece.
23.What is some good advice for me?:
What wishes will you make when the season is near?
24.How will I be remembered?:
Percussion, strings, wings, words: There you see her, sitting there across the way.
25.What is my signature dancing song?:
The needle on the record playing has been wearing thin.
26.What do I think my current theme song is?:
What if I told you it was all meant to be?
27.What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
You never listen to me, I know I'm better off alone.
28.What type of men/women do you like?:
Scooby dooby doo, where are you?
Everything I'm Not
Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Your message to the world:
Can't Take It
Your deepest secret:
Greased Lightning
Your innermost desire:
Juice Box, Paper Hat & A Line of Pixie Sticks
Your oldest memory makes you think:
Could It Be
Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Girl Can Rock
On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Drama Club Romance/ Give and Take
Your friends say behind your back:
You say behind your friends' back:
Your opinion of MySpace:
Scales and Arpeggios
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Still Take You Home
If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
Forget My Name (ironic, no?)
Right now, your feelings are:
You Just Don't Know It
What's your excuse for reposting this bulletin?:
Your life's soundtrack:
Tropical Storm
Your farewell message to the readers of this bulletin & Your title:
2. Will I have a happy life? First Kiss
3. What do my friends really think of me? Material Girls
4. Do people secretly lust after me? Grow Up
5. How can I make myself happy? He Wasn't
6. What should I do with my life? SOS (Abba)
7. What is some good advice for me? Little Voice
8. How will I be remembered? Jesus of Suburbia
9. What is my signature dancing song? Slow Down
10. What do I think my current theme song is? Body Snatchers
11. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? A Thousand Miles
12. What song will play at my funeral? Sympathy (Billy Talent)
13. What type of men/women do you like? Games
14. What is my day going to be like? Hey, We're Gonna Be Alright
15. What will tomorrow bring? The Court of Miracles
4 Ever
1. Put your MP3 or iPod on shuffle.
2. For each question,press the 'next' button to get your answer.
Indela on the Path
Tropical Storm
Rio Sunrise
Everytime We Touch (Dance Remix)
Barbie Girl
Why Can't I Breath?
Break Away
Play My Music
Anywhere But Here
This is My Head Exploding
Oh Happy Neighbour
Live to Party
Lost in You
Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky)
Don't Wake Me Up
Dark Blue
Arabian Nights
4 Ever
... I was bored at home and waiting for my ipod battery to die. MWAHZ.
Oct 23, 2008
hello out there, we're on the air, its hockey night tonight.
Tension grows as the whistle blows and the puck goes down the ice!
The goalie jumps and the players bump and the fans all go insane!
Someone roars, "BOBBY SCORES!" at the good ole hockey game.
OH! The good old hockey game is the best game you can name.
And the best game you can name, is the good ole hockey game!
Second period:
Where players dash with skates a flash, the home team trails behind.
But they grab the puck and go bursting up, and they're down across the line!
They storm the crease like bumble bees, travellin' like a burning flame!
We see them slide the puck inside, it's a 1-1 hockey game!
OH! The good ole hockey game is the best game you can name.
And the best game you can name is the good ole hockey game.
Third period, last game in the playoffs too!
Oh, take me where the hockey players face-off down the rink.
And the Stanley Cup is all filled up for the champs who win the drink.
Now the final flick of the hockey stick and one gigantic scream!
OH! The good ole hockey game is the best game you can name.
And the best game you can name is the good ole hockey game.
Yeah... I started the title with the first line and then I just felt the urge to include the rest. That's the Hockey Song by Tom someone or other. I can look it up if you really feel necessary but then again if you really feel necessary you can do it yourself, am I right?
Anyways, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, the point of this blog is HOCKEY UPDATES.
Now, there have been 2 games the past 2 nights: Select & Houseleague.
Select Updates:
Well. David actually played not bad, much better than last game in my opinion. Unfortunately, they still lost 4-3. But the team did a much better job. There was a lot less slacking, and a lot more cooperativity. They passed, they shot, and they got some pretty awesome goals. Brandon and Cody got one each with a slapshot from the blue line. AMAZING! Guys, if you're reading this (DOUBT IT!), good job. Thumbs up. Not that it matters, I mean, I'm just the supportive older sister and the team's #1 fan. :D Then Mark got a nice wristshot in.. I couldn't really see the fine details too well because it was at the other end, but it was a nice goal. Kudos Mark.
Then, the four goals were just really bad. The first, was a five whole shot that was totally predictable. But, don't worry David, it's okay. Your overall performance totally outshined your lack of fivewhole preparedness. Second & fourth goal, he gave them 3/4 of the net open. SHEESH, eh? Yeah... But, other than that, it was grrrrrrrreat! And the third goal was NOT his fault, at all. There were like 5 players inside the net - 3 from the other team, 2 from ours. How was he supposed to stop the puck when there's 5 players on top of him?!
Speaking of defense, UGH! 53 is amazingly hot and he's so amazing. He's probably one of the best players on the team. He's amazing at defense, a great skater, he's got David's back (which I love) and he has a wicked slapshot. :) Plus the fact that he's majorly hot. Like, German or something. His mom has the cutest accent. I love it. We were sitting beside her during the hockey game and she kept yelling stuff. Twas amazing... Yeah, I have a slight obsession with accents. And with guys. I go to an all girls school, gimme a break!
Speaking of defense, again. Gian Carlo isn't coming back, which sucks majorly. He was so great to watch. We're gonna miss you! 3 I hope he makes the Cham Hockey Team so I can watch him there at least. And Dan is leaving cause of Adam. I don't blame him.
K, then tonight comes around. Speaking of all girls school, tonight was awards night. Yes, I'm a major nerk (nerd + geek) and I made honour roll. Woo hoo! Btw, congratulations to everybody. Especially Heidi and Sharon, who won like major awards. Oh, and Jacqueline, Miriam, Amy, et cetera. I am very proud of myself because I received honour roll, yay me!, and I also received the highest mark in AP Geography. :) Yeah... That qualifies me as a nerd. But, it was a hard course - for me anyways - so I'm proud. :)
Then, after, we don't have time to go back home so I can change (the ceremony was in uniform!) so I'm at the arena in my effen kilt and knee highs! David is playing in an age group up, which you think would be good for me, but the guys are all brutes! Gonna make this quick, cause I have an x-ray appointment in the morning for my teeth. They play good hockey, but none of them are even flirt worthy! Hockey was good, constant. David didn't get many shots and could've played better. They won 3-2. :)
Night loves,
PS: I'm married to Kamie, but I'm secretly Troy and Anne is Gabriella. Also, Pamela is a nun and I am a stripper. So, look for a new series entitled Sister Pamela and her Stripper Lover Megan. :D
PPS: I don't care what you say Pam! I know that you don't love me!
Oct 21, 2008
yeah... had this posted on my activism blog but decided to post it here instead.
My science class is having a manditory trip to the zoo. I'm very upset about it. Yet I'm going. As Sara quoted. I'm in the library at my school and I am completely braindead as to what to do at the zoo. I tried to print out a petition to get the Toronto Zoo to stop cutting off the antlers of their reindeer, but I couldn't find a printable version. So... Yeah, I thought I would post this on this blog. Because you guys have never read me rant about my personal activism issues.
Everybody is complaining because I keep complaining about the zoo.
The world is in danger, we need to be its superheroes.
PS: PAM! I don't want to go to Yale! YALE KILLS MONKEYS!
See blog for more info. :)
Oct 20, 2008
im sick, and just wanted to keep to myself today.
im just really really in a bad mood.
and im angry cause we're going to the zoo tomorrow.
those poor animals, in cages.
anybody who thinks that zoos are good are severely deranged.
ie: heather. jokes. ily.
and if you think that zoos are good b/c they live longer in captivity, thats obvious because there is no PHYSICAL ACTIVITY at all and they are highly sedated. and if you're going to say that there's also no hunting, then there's a difference between a conservatory and a zoo. a zoo keeps animals in unnatural cages and habitats. how can it possibly be good for zebras and lions to live in Canada? where our summers are like winters for them!
it doesnt make sense and theyre not good.
im gonna try to get something to protest while im there...
but i have thought of anything.
except questioning the zookeepers.
which will be fun. :)
on the plus side, im talking to jake! who i havent talked to since, like, wait... may! OMGSH! has it been that long? lmao. he says hi. and that whoever is reading this is a dork, but of course, what does he know? well, he knows a lot but nothing about being a dork. and nothing about blogs. i didnt see him all summer, twas tres tragique. :( he says hes gonna read this after, doesnt that make you a dork jake? huh?! IM RIGHT. HA! xo. :P
ps: heather, thanks. :)
Oct 19, 2008
&&i've been up since 5 am! i cannot sleep.
my head is killing me.
and all my homework requires a computer except math.
which sucks.
i wrote the conclusion for the letter for environmental club, so CHECK.
now, what else do i have to do?
science/english/religion: nothing.
french: powerpoint presentation + answer questions.
careers/history: nothing.
music: practice.
math: questions.
its not that much i admit, but french is going to take a LONG time.
especially since i have to present - without reading - to the class.
and my head is hurting.
computers make my head hurt more.
nevermind - flute makes my head hurt more.
at least its dark. :)
gonna go make myself some lunch.
www.readthenact.blogspot.com for eco updates. :)
btw, for all those who are following on the hockey front, four people got cut from the team this morning. obviously not david cause he's the only goalie they have.
Chris M - shame.
GianCarlo M - we'll miss you gcar. :( 3
Bruno? - big brute, did not know him.
Alex I - was on the team last year, but didnt hear too much about him.
Fortunately, #53 is still on the team. :) ;]
Oct 18, 2008
i love fall. :)
the scenery is so pretty, with all the beautiful colours and tones so perfectly blended. sigh.
today was a kind of good day.
i woke up at 11, happily.
i had some nice bacon, eggs and garlic hashbrowns for breakfast, happily.
i took the book and read outside in the sun, happily.
it was beautiful outside. the sky was the brightest blue, the clouds were white and fluffy and it was so wonderfully warm with a crisp wind. the perfect fall day.
i was picking raspberries, and a lot of them were overly ripe, so i gave one of them to canine. then, as i continued to pick (and eat) he was pulling at all the branches and eating all the raspberries! but, i ended up sharing. he's so cute. :)
then, i ended up inside the raspberry patch to get the good ones. cause the good ones are always the hardest to get. good thing i was wearing jeans or else my legs would have been pricked by the thorns (which happened frequently over the summer)
anyways.. i saw the tiniest snail! it was like, half the size of my pinky fingernail! it was so cute. and i wanted to take a picture, but the camera was all the way up at the house so... it was just so cool. it wouldve made a great nature photo. i ended up doing some sketching with my pastels. i drew the maple, with half of the leaves gone, and the other leaves a rich blend of reds and oranges. it wasnt nearly as good as something that charr or pam or lea could've done, but it was pretty good for me.
then, me and canine shared a lovely moment in the leaves. after a long day of playing, chasing him around the yard and such, i was laying down in the leaf pile underneath the maple and he came and laid beside me. his head was on my lap and my head was on his. we sat like that for about twenty minutes before david came outside and got canine hyper again. it was very lovely. of course, we had gotten leaves everywhere, so i had some raking to do. and while i was raking, i noticed that me and canine had left a leaf angel. :) unfortunately, david came and ruined it. typical.
but yes, overall, it was a good two hours outside.
then. i got a tummy ache.
so i went inside and watched MADTV until i went to church.
where i got a migrane.
so i went home and ate and then watched the suckish commedians on the comedy network. and now, im staring at a computer - which cant be good for my headahce - and thinking about the advils i took half an hour ago that still arent working!
btw, angie: i love your blog. :)
Oct 17, 2008
im finally half caught up on my activism.
i know i promised last weekend to get caught up on the eco stuff, but who has the time?
btw, the movie plans - flopped.
we're gonna go see it next friday instead.
which is awesome cause i have a pa day and ill be at yd anyways.
yeah... lol... HSM3 COMES OUT! WOOT WOOT!
so, i worked on my activism.
maybe its dorothy's story, or maybe its lack of sleep but im oddly depressed.
it seems i always am nowadays.
i need to be upbeat. :)
maybe ill post some eco tips.
that will most likely cheer me up.
im not really in the mood to talking to anyone.
or being nice for that matter.
Oct 16, 2008
we make love like a pair of black wizards
they are truly amazingly random. :) i love it. :)
anyways, i havent blogged in a bit.
i havent exactly been busy but you know... more like lazy.
so, whats up readers?
you realize how my blog went from really formal - the BTT days, sigh - to really informal - now? Depressed sigh. Yeah... *insert eye roll*. Why can't we go back in time? honestly, i miss gr 7, gr 8, etc. the good ole times that feel like just yesterday. and nothing seems to be going right lately, and i seem to be in this phase of... not depression. just kind of, confusion? procrastination, but moreso than before. like, im not studying, im not worried about my tests - which is a bad sign. i just dont seem like myself lately.
yeah... i guess thats it.
maybe i need a reminder of who i am?
oh gosh no. i get enough of that in careers.
and im in this in between stage for environmentalist. like, i dont know whether i should be like opposing all things environmental or just being a normal person. it seems like nobody has any passion these days, or people are passionate about unimportant things. like, yes, music is amazing. music is a good passion. but dont you think its a bit vague? like, some of the music is just for the sake of listening. theres no real emotion or passion in a lot of the music nowadays. you know what i need? a good listening of the beatles. that will cheer me up. :)
or, i was at my brothers hockey game the other night and i started thinking about the bad effects of hockey. kind of unnaturally though. it seems like i cant enjoy anything anymore. -_- yeah.. more of a journal than a blog, but whatever.
OH! speaking of hockey, guess who has a new favourite? yeah... oh mon dieu! he's amazing. i havent really seen what he looks like, b/c of the helmet and all, but there was this guy that was standing around before the game with a jersey and i had never seen him before. maybe it was him? if it was, then he's UBER HOT. yeah... ;)
anyways, movies tomorrow - hopefully. sejin and joe STILL havent gotten back to me. stupid maybes. how last minute are you guys?! sigh. and emma is bringing a friend. but whateves.
ps: i guess im being melodramatic, oui?
BTW, i made reach team. again. woo. :D 6 years straight. :D
Oct 13, 2008
Ducks are bisexual and suicidal?
I finished reading the book that I blogged about, the one with all the quotes?
Yeah, the ducks in the end are HILARIOUS.
Let me explain with another quote:
" 'How are the ducks?' I ask...
'Oh they're okay, darling. One of them got run over a couple of weeks ago, but the rest seem all right about it.' ... (AN: I'm too lazy to type out all 3 paragraphs, so ... to the important parts)
'How about you, didn't you cry?' Mum is quite attached to the ducks. She has given them all names. One is Francois, one is Dave and one is called Derek and she thinks he's bisexual. It's bizarre.
'Darling, I'm not going to cry about a duck.' ... 'Besides, it was John, and he was the oldest by far. And one of his feet had been mangled and his eyes were red, and he wasn't long for this world so it was probably for the best. I think it might have been premeditated actually. He was generally near the front of the line, but that day he hung back, and then just stopped in front of a 4x4, and of course itwas one of the old girls and she didn't brake in time.'
'You think John the duck committed suicide?' I ask."
Yeah, I read that for the first time and started laughing!
I found it funny, so don't mock.
Great book.
V, I'll give it to you by the end of the week since I want to write down all the quotes. XU!
Happy turkey day, once again.
Happy thanksgiving. :)
Especially to all the vegan and vegetarian readers!
Lol. I'm proud of you. :) I tried, I honestly tried really really hard, but my parent's protested and the temptation was just too much. Sorry. :(
Anyways, for some vegetarian/ vegan cooking you can try www.vegcooking.com
Some really cool turkey alternatives. :)
Yeah, I love vegetarian dishes. My cousin comes over and makes them for us all the time! Mmmmm. :)
Anyways, happy turkey day loves.
Oct 12, 2008
happy thanksgiving to all, and to all a goodnight. :)
lol, happy thanksgiving everyone. :)
wanna hear my super duper weird dream?
i was sleeping, and then i woke up! *GASP*
but before i woke up, i dreamt that i was somehow famous and best friends with miley cyrus? and we were in a parade, going down Yonge St waving. it turned out to be the santa claus parade. :D (my 2nd fave parade in the universe!) anyways, it was obviously near christmas but miley was shouting "HAPPY EASTER Y'ALL!" and i was just really really lost.
then i woke up. :)
yeah.. dont judge.
anyways, what was the point of this?
i feel like i havent really been blogging lately.
ive been trying to keep up with stuff. ie: working on the activism blog, finding other interesting blogs, fanficing (kinda), reading, doing hmwk, being active, going outside, and keeping up with my social life. which i am very proud of this year. ive been busy the past weekends, for quite a few weekends now. this weekend i went over to gios. the weekend before that was the st mikes dance. the weekend before that was charrs house + the clothing show. um... the weekend before that was when gio + pam came over? yeah.. dont really remember that far back. lol.
anyways, hopefully friday i will be going out with some old friends from bronze cross. :) twill be loads of fun. and tuesday is davids first official hockey game of the season! YAY! im actually excited. i miss his hockey games, surprisingly. more so, i miss the hockey players. ;] lol.
OH! im reading this great book. its called material girl. it doesnt have much of a plot, but its a total chick flick novel. i borrowed it from v (and will be giving it back soon!) and she'll totally love it. :) i kinda bookmarked some good quotes. its a great book, full of great advice.
it made me think. about love. about guys i thought i loved. but honestly, im only 15! i havent been in love. except with my friends and pets! i'll love you guys after death. :) even if you kill me, ill still love you guys cause at least i know you care. and my pets, i dont know how i could ever survive without them. but yeah... never been in love. and im not surprised. those couples who are like "i'll love you forever" when theyre 15, are either dreaming or insane. you're not gonna marry the guy that your dating when your 15, alright?
anyways, a few quotes:
"They [the branches of white Christmas lights] punctuate the functional with magic, and increasingly that's what I feel slipping away. My magic reserves are depleted, like dwindling natural resources and they need a little topping up. I need a world with a little more magic." - page 30, full paragraph is a much better quote but doesnt apply always.
"Hope and beautiful shoes, will carry you forward." - Page 241
yeah... thats two of my favourites.
V: when you're reading the book, highlight all of what Dolly says about Ben. good quotes. :) and what Tristan says when he's talking to the actors. another good quote. :)
Example, Quote from Dolly: "I love men, wretched as they are, ruinous as they can be for most girls, terrible and mixed up and confused and scared and petrified of anybody needing them and terrified of not being needed! But I, personally, have never had any interest in fear. I was never scared. I showed no interest in them, which is what got them every time. Of course, then, when they were desperate and needy, it repelled me even more. But it taught me an easy lesson: If a man gets what he wants too easily he thinks he should have tried for something better, that he has set his sights too low. ..."
yeah... well... au revoir!
unlike other books ive read. like showgirl. DO NOT READ THAT BOOK.
unless your kinky. blech.
Oct 9, 2008
Oct 7, 2008
plus, its my blog!
anyways, there's two cats that are being sent to death row. :(
if you're thinking about adopting a cat, or have always wanted a pet, why not now? Please? It will help save a life!!! or, if you're not looking for a perminent commitment, and just a part time thing then you can be a foster home for this fuzzy feline. please?
email tcr.adoptions@hotmail.com for more information.
Pretty pretty please. :)
Save a cat's life today.
Oh my gosh, when I typed "save a cat's life today" I thought of those starving kids in Africa commercials. Which is another great cause, but I admit the sudden realization of the ressemblence made me chuckle. A little.
Oct 6, 2008
Bloggin' just to blog/ Blog critic
Lol, I almost typed sudden ear in my pain.
Yeah, it's Saturday night and I'm searching blogs.
Here's a list of ones I wish were translated (that way if I figure out how to translate them, I can.)
http://agusagusagus-agusagusagus.blogspot.com/ (Cool photos. Confusing though)
http://lindsaygriffin.blogspot.com/ (Really cool blog. :) Mostly photos, but cool. )
http://amartesinevitable.blogspot.com/ (Translation?)
http://joannasphoto.blogspot.com/ (Really cool photos. Once again, translation?)
http://karenscreations-karen.blogspot.com/ (Not needing translation, but I love her photos.)
http://renz3.blogspot.com/ (Gives me a headache! But kool photos.)
http://heidi.blogspot.com/ (Seems pretty cool. But not subscribe worthy)
http://confessionsfromthecapitol.blogspot.com/ (Once again, pretty cool but not subscribe worthy)
its now like quarter after 11, and looking at the computer is giving me a headache.
so, good night. :)
ps: i realize that its a scheduled date.
Oct 4, 2008
Kool Blogs
Happy Animal Action Week. :)
It's put on by IFAW the first week of October. That means from Oct 4th (TODAY!!!) to Oct 10th. :) This year's theme, Marine Life. Check out the http://www.animalactionweek.org/ website for more details and TAKE THE PLEDGE to reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle plastic. :)
Yeah, just a quick update on my activism efforts. Not really too much success, but... I try. OH! And IFAW has a really cool rescue blog. Cause they help out with the hurricanes and typhoons and stuff like that and I find it really interesting to read. Btw, I think my friend's are starting to get annoyed with the animal rights and eco friendly stuff... So, I'm gonna leave it alone for a while except for the occasional comment. (PS: I know you guys are reading this and agreeing with me! Saying something along the lines of "THANK THE LORD!")
Anyways, speaking of cool blogs. I was surfing the web and found some pretty cool blogs. There's this one called the Catiologist or something and it's all about cats. And the Longstockings is a site about Teen Books. It's really cool to read. And I'm not a stalker, but I like reading other people's blogs. Just on normal daily lives. I've always been really fascinated with blogs and like keeping up to date on other people's lives and being able to share cool stories.
Unfortunately, I don't speak all the languages. Eg: This blog looks really cool. http://us-jule.blogspot.com/ and is the first one I've found that is written by a fellow teen. :) Unfortunately, it is in a foreign language that je ne comprends pas and I have no clue how to translate. Which reminds me, I have to do my French hwmk. Joy.
Anyways, I haven't really have an in depth blog in a while, have I?
I guess I've been busy. I've been trying to keep up with my posting, but it's just so exhausting. And my activism blog is way behind. I don't know why I try so hard, I mean nobody reads it anyways! But... Whateves. Then there's the fanfics. I have to stay up to date with those. And I'm getting so much hmwk, and getting home so much later. Not that I don't mind, Gio. I don't mind at all. <3
Then there's my daily shows. Sunday: Gossip Girl. Monday: Heroes. Tuesday: 90210. Wednesday: ANTM. Thursday: Smallville... Yeah. Who knew watching TV was so much work? And because 2/5 of those shows are on at 10, I'm staying up later and am therefore more tired. I therefore am taking more naps and spending less time on the computer because I have way more homework than last year and am actually practicing my flute! Yeah...
And I have no time for reading or relaxing. It's really quite weird. I mean, last year, it seemed like I had too much free time and this year it seems like I have none at all.
I'm overstressed. Over stupid things.
I need a better schedule. And to be more organized.
So, yeah. Sorry I'm behind on posting.
On all three of my blogs.
And my scrapbooking is WAY behind. Like, WAY WAY.
Oh, for all the people who read this who don't know me (if there's any) I made a quick and very boring video blog on Youtube. Look up msmango17 (my YT account) and you'll find it. And one of my cat dancing? But yeah... Lol. NO LOOKING FOR PAM, GIO & SARA! I have a surprise for you guys and I show it in the video. No peeking!
PS: What happened to my other alias? I'm too lazy to change it now.
PPS: I'm going through random blogs on blogger and this blog came up. http://maldivaperu.blogspot.com/# I love the shirts. :) Esp. the polka dotted one. Mais, tis $40!!! Maybe I should try Stumble instead. But, I don't know what to stumble upon?
PPPS: Another blog I wish was translated! http://yeegua.blogspot.com/
Oct 3, 2008
gr 8 --> highlights for the first time
gr 8 --> graduation! <3
July 14th --> not telling ;]
wanna know why?
for all you people who read this (pam, gio, sara, etc.) i want you to be surprised on monday.
for all the other people who read this (charr, etc.) send me a message. :)
ps: or check my facebook