Jun 16, 2008

Confirmation/ Heat Wave

Once upon this disaster called life we finally got the normal weather.

June is usually warmer than it has been. But we got the weather in one gigantic heat wave. And it is such a coinkidink (lmfao, love that word ;]) that my brother's confirmation was that weekend. YIPPEE!!! And my AC was broken. DOUBLE YIPPEE! So basically, the weekend was hot, muggy, humid and people-ful. Some of my family came down from Sault Ste Marie to visit and watch, which meant I got to go shopping. :D I was happy about that. I got two GORGEOUS new pairs of shoes and a new dress, which I wore to the confirmation even though it was kind of low. Oh well... There's not too much more to say.. I feel like randomly blogging, don't really want to have a topic. Maybe I'll publish some more.

Okay mes amis. Au revoir.
Anti Princess

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