Sep 7, 2010



I just need to vent.
I hate it when cute innocent kids all of a sudden become really arrogant and really cocky.

This guy who I've known since he was little was the nicest guy I've ever met.

Now, he's cocky as hell.

It bothers me.
Then again, he's a hockey player and thus, I am not overly surprised.

Oh well.

This summer has been interesting.
I feel like I've been changed for the better, but when thinking about it, I don't think I have.
I feel like more of a real person, someone who isn't perfect. It's a good feeling. :)

Unfortunately, back to my studious and boring ways now that school has started and it's all about UNIVERSITY.
Which I should really be researching rather than facebook/reading/blogging about nonsense.

Au revoir mes amis,
Prudence B.