Sep 7, 2010

Summer 2010

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello readers! :D

No doubt you've been wondering about my absense, or like my friends, you've been dying to hear stories about Ireland.

Well, there may be a time for that, but it is not now.
Neither will I tell you stories from my cottage.

For now, I want to talk about this:

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

It is actually the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!
Not only the sight, but the thought alone sickens me.

It's HUGE.
It's actually a huge dump in the middle of the Pacific, estimated to be twice the size of Texas! YUCK.

Anyway, I'm not going to tell you what you can read for yourself, but here's a funny mockumentary on the plastic bag.

I advise you watch it. :)

Prudence B.

P.S.: How was everyone's first day of school? I've got two spares this year. Happiness at last. :) Minus the fact that they're in the middle of the day! I just think this will FORCE me to do work, or I can take a long lunch. ;)

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