Jan 9, 2009


Yes, so I'm in CAREEERS.


It really is. Our portfolio is due today, and I did it last minute - which is not like me. Usually, I'll do it the night before, yes, but not at eleven at night. Usually, I get home right away, work, eat while I work, then finish at about eight. Last night, however, I got home, and my cousin - Steph the awesome - wanted to go to MEC at King and Spadina. So, we ate a quick dinner, got out of my uniform and took the subway down. My mom said she would pick us up at the same subway station at eight. So, we went down to MEC and omg! IT'S HUGE. It's all supplied with stuff like snowboarding, kayaks, sporty clothing, thermal underwear, bike stuff, water bottles, camping stuff, etc. It was pretty cool. I discovered how much of a spoiled city kid I've becomed. It's quite sad. So, Steph vowed to un-city-fy me over the summer by taking me camping. Yippee. Sleeping on the cold earth in a bug-filled tent.

Doesn't sound that bad. Mais, my inner city kid is clenching. Oh well, I'll rough it. I will be un-citified!!! (I'm trying out the different spellings. Is it city-fied or citified?) Anyways, so we finished shopping - I got two pairs of thermal leggings, two hats and a booklight - with the giftcards I earned through the CN Tower Climb. Steph bought me a hat for Christmas, and a delicious hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, extra vanilla powder and extra chocolate sprinkles from Second Cup that we shared. Instead of taking a street car back to the subway station, like we did to get to MEC, we walked. We passed two theatres, a church and the CN Tower. We pretended like we were going to go see Dirty Dancing and the Sound of Music. People gave us weird looks, it was fun.

So, we almost missed our stop on the subway - but we didn't. That's the important thing. We were there right on time, then we went to my brother's hockey game, where we had an intense talk about environmentalism. It was interesting, but a lot of times my views are shared. Ie: Leather is bad. The cow was probably skinned alive or electrocuted vaginally or beheaded while conscious. This cow deserves to live its life. On the other hand, we can use this same cow for meat, which we've been doing since the beginning of time - basically. Then again, meat farms are the number one cause of global warming because of all the pollution they produce. I don't know. I guess I still eat cow, but I won't wear leather?

ANYWAYS. OFF TOPIC. We got home after the game at like 10:30. I showered, then started working on my portfolio. I finished at 1-ish. At least I finished. Sigh.

Now, Mr. Career Teacher is collecting the portfolios and doing interviews. I'm scared. REALLY scared. I'm going to fail miserably. Oh well...

Tonight, Megan, Gio and I are going mini-golfing. Yippee. (: Hopefully. Megan isn't in class, so I don't know if she's coming or not. And Gio is sick, so I'm not sure. If not, then I guess I'll hang out with Steph some more. Sharlene (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) says I've been deprived. I probably have. Oh well. :P

I say that a lot.
Signing off,

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