Feb 6, 2009


i miss certain things.
that i still have.
but i miss them none the less.

lately ive been thinking.
sometimes people will ask me, if you go back to one night or one moment that you could relive again, what would it be?
and i always reply: "Nothing. The past is the past."
really, in Megan, that means no time in my life was ever perfect.
In light of recent events however, I've noticed there were plenty of times that were perfect because of their imperfections...

For example, the time when I was sick and I had to lay down in the office and Cruzel never left my side until my mom came. That was a perfect moment, despite the fact that I felt horrible, I also felt cared for.

Or the time when I completely embarrassed myself and was so freaked out of the Ring at Ilish's Halloween party. There was just Cruzel, Ilish and me, and it scarred me for life, but then again that's one of my most memorable moments.

I don't remember when it was, but there's so many of just chilling at Charlene's - doing nothing. I may have been bored, but I miss being bored at Char's.

Perfect moments happen all the time.
Unfortunately, we're too blind to see them until after they're gone.
And the thing about perfect moments is that if you try to remember it too hard, you're losing the moment.


PS: The time of my life that was absolutely perfect. Nothing could go wrong. I wish I could go back. It inspired this blog:
One of the best weeks of my life.

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