Jul 1, 2008

Canada Day Improvement

Once upon this disaster called life, Canada Day was slightly less disastrous.

I ended up going back to the park, where I met up with Josh, his cousins and their absolutely adorable dog, Silky. So, it turns out that Charlene went to my house instead of to the park.. So, we waited around for her to get there.

We ended up running into Maria, Adrian, Nikko and Dibs. So, for the rest of the day, we hung out with them - tried playing manhunt, going through the sprinklers, talking and basically just hanging out. It was fun... I don't think I've had such a nice day with doing nothing in a long long time..

I was also talking to my old friends today, so that was great. :) There was a slightly awkward conversation when my friend, who is totally flirty in a joking way, asked if we could get together... I was like: "Huh?" It was sooooooooooooooo funny, because he meant like go see a movie with other people but I thought he meant like a date. It was hilarious and awkward at the same time.. Then my 200 texts ran out.. GRAWR.

Charlene even saw her crush at the park. :) I won't give you too many details, because really, all that happened was she kept pointing him out to Marz and me.. And I accidentally pointed him out to Nikko. Ooopsies. xD

Everything was fine until they started playing soccer.. Now, I'm really not athletic.. I can barely do the sports I do, and I'm definately not the best. So, I trade my converse for Charlene's flip-flops and I sit on the sidelines, watching as they have the times of their lives while I'm sitting their, feeling the cold slowly encase itself upon my tank-topped shoulders and bare calves. I was really lonely, so I decided to go home early.. I have issues. I mean, I know they love me and everything, but I just don't like feeling alone. It's truly a suckish feeling.

Anyways, overall, the second half of my Canada Day was great. xD The fireworks could've been better, but it was definately better than no fireworks at all. Except all the smoke and pollution that it caused... Ick..

happy CANADA day

AntiPrincess; -ap

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