Jul 3, 2008

Some Eco-Friendly Tips

Okay.. I'm always talking about being more environmentally friendly.. Well, here are some tips that you can follow to be more eco-friendly.. There should be regular blogs whenever I find more tips..

K.. Wash in cold water, use florescents, keep the AC low.. Or use no AC at all!!!

Your probably giving me that face like, "wth is she thinking? ITS SUMMER FOR BLOG'S SAKE!"

Yeah, I know.. But honestly, we all complain that its too cold, then it gets warm and we're all like let's make our houses like the arctic! No.

Instead of using the AC (air conditioning or aircon for all my filipino friends. :D), why don't you try these easy tricks??

Open the windows so the breeze outside blows into the house.
Fans are helpful and don't use as much energy as the AC.
Keep the windows open at night.
During the day, close windows and blinds and turn off lights.
Lights = more heat.
Put cold cloths or ice cubes on pulse points to cool down the entire body.
Wear damp clothes to keep you refreshed.

These are just some pointers for keeping cool over the summer without breaking your AC.
Feel free to read the corresponding article at:

Happy summer, and remember to be eco-friendly. :)



sara said...

I love how you care for the earth. It is amazing to see someone so dedicated. If only we could all be like you. (:

Though, I am starting to doubt Global Warming. I have my reasons, but I still take care of the Earth. !

It's a privilege we shouldn't throw away.

Prudence said...

hey rainnmchotpants. :)
lol, in my head, i accidentally pronoucned it "rainm-chot-pants".. lol..

And thank you. It means so much. I've never heard that said to me before. :)

I really can't make you believe in Global Warming, because it's a scientific fact and I won't push it... But the important thing is that you take care. :D

Thanks, this comment totally made my day. :) It's nice to know that somebody else cares. :)
