Feb 21, 2008

Bored in BTT x2 (Gio's AWESOME Poem!)

Once upon this disaster called life, I was bored in businness! AGAIN!

Yesh, yesh... I know. Next class, I'll have something to do so don't worry... There won't be too many blog posts from business class for a while. Anyways... My friend Giovanna - ily<3 - wrote this amazing poem. And, I just got more work for next class... So there might be a blog for that class too. But then we start Access and Powerpoint, so that'll keep me busy for a few weeks. Then March Break. YAY! Anyways, Gio's poem... K. If you're a publisher - msg me! I write too. Good... I've won a few writing contests... YESH! Gio's poem. Right.
K; read:
A Burning Dream
A dream so big,
she aims so high!
Sky's the limit,
but why does she cry?

Doors are open,
but no one helps her through.
They don't understand
her desires are true.

She tries so hard
for what she wants the most.
To laugh and not cry,
and maybe even boast.

Presenting all options,
opportunties galore.
Giving her the chance
to show her stuff and soar.

It's hard to take,
to stand up and hear:
"It's not what's best for you,
trust me, my dear."

So she's left alone,
with her burning dream.
Will she have the courage
to stand up and scream?

-Giovanna Campagna.

Okay, tell me that wasn't amazing?! It was, right? It connects so much and so much emotion shines through. Plus, it rhymes. :) My kind of poem. My personal favourite poet? Robert Frost - and Dr. Seus! ;) Lol.

Full credit to Gio!
Woo hoo! Loved it!

I'm gonna start this work... Joy. (Insert eye roll!)
Signing off.

PS: Gio, you rock.. Maybe I'll post my poems? Nah...


Anonymous said...
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Prudence said...

Lol Gio... Of course you should. IT'S YOUR POEM! I'm so bored in BTT cause I'm like classes ahead... Not anymore. Well, next class I'll be boomm. [Bored out of my mind] Lol. Boomm. If I go help you, Ms Cordeiro will get mad. Like, when my shoe broke and I was asking you for tape! GOSH! Lol... Your tape is USELESS! As you can tell, I'm bored. Lol, thaaaanks.
I keep forgetting the rhythm. How stupid of me, eh? Lol, eh... Spifffffaaaaaay!

Anonymous said...

I love it well i should lol. I wonder y your so bored in btt come HELP ME im like failing lmao well love ur site