Sep 12, 2008


Okay, so... I found out that Sarah Palon might be the new VP for the States.


She encourages animals to be hunted from planes, and has a price on the head of wolves. WHEN THEY ARE ENDANGERED!!! Thats cruel and mean. Please, don't vote her.

Then, Mabbs and Stitch came over and we had LOADS of fun. We made a few different videos to Video Girl - most of which were either completely stupid or completely unsuccesful but we had fun none the less. Then we did some mock karaoke and like, ate. Ew. Then, we walked Gio home and there was this cat. Gio's like: "talk to it." So I meow, and it comes running over. Twas hilarious! Gio's like: "NO FREAKING WAY!"

It was really funny, they were calling me St. Francis of Assisi.
Anyways, we kidnapped Elise - Gio's awesome neighbour - from her house and brought her to Gio's. We took some pics and a stupid vid: which is now on YouTube. Find it yourselves!

Yeah, but I was really upset when I found out that Sara Palon or whatever is most likely to be the US's new VP. NO. VOTE AGAINST SARAH PALON!!!

Oh, and a really close family friend died today, so RIP. Pray for her, please.


~Hope has two beautiful daughters: anger and courage.

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