Sep 26, 2008

Formal Apology to Gio

Gio, I'm really really sorry.

I only said that cause it was a joke. I wasn't being serious and I'm really sorry that I said it and the consequences it had on you. I just want you to know that you're the BEST actress I know, and that I totally support you. I really just want you to forgive me, and I will never joke about it ever ever again.

I really miss you. :( I love you Gio, and you don't know how heartbreaking it is knowing that you're mad at me. All day today I was stressing and feeling majorly heartbroken. I mean, I cried during science. Anyways, I just want you to know that that's how sorry I am. :(

I love you, but I completely understand if you're mad at me. I mean, I need to realize that things have consequences. But know that I love and support you and if you don't make it, then nobody will. I mean, you're better than half the actresses on TV... If not all.



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