Apr 29, 2008
BTT- Gio Style
[AntiPrincess would like to thank Gio for writing this blog and wish Maria a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She loves you! Elle t'aime!<33]
Well as you can tell im not Anti Princess a) cause im typing slow b) this blog is fun( well i hope)
So me (QueenStitches a.k.a Gio) and Antiprinces are partners for a bussiness( note to self see if this has spell cheak). Well we are doing a boring persentation on IPODS AND MP3'S but I'm helping AP(AntiPrincess a.k.a NERD). OMG LMAO OUR FRIEND MEGAN CAME IN AND I WAS ALL LIKE HEY MEG MAC MUFFIN AND AP WAS ALL LIKE LMAO :P. Anywayzzz so u wanna hear a funny story. Ok well AP was in her locker getting her books when Mr.Capps( FIX)
CAME AND SHE TOTALLY HIT HIS BOOKS AND IN HIS FACE LMAO RIGHT?!?!?! Ah..... so i dont know if AP told you but we went to YD (A MALL WITH CLOTHES OMG) and we shop .... lmao i dropped at least $200 :s but they were nice clothes and pressents and i didnt even buy the purse i wanted . ( if any1 cares it was a Juciy Coture Deydreamer velour coca and cryatal over the shoulder bag). Lmao and there we saw Mr.Capps withoutout a head.....LONG STORY. Lmao I was like lets take Mr.Capps credit card and go shopping and AP was like NOT ON HIS SALARY. Now I know why she types on this , its fun, but then again she types 12345678 WORDS PER MINUTE .ALIEN!!!!!!!!. THIS JUST IN: (lmao im a newscaster) We had to sighn up ouir dates to present and i went up to her for the second day and she was all like "Dont u already have a slot" and i was all like " AP said you had candy" and she said"Oh i dont have any candy i swear" and i was sad. Ok now that i type it 2 u it might not be funny but u had to be in the moment.
So we... as cool as we arte... are going to the HOTTEST event of the YEAR. A JB CONCERT. Ok 2 things to say to 2 diffrent reactions 1) OMG I KNOW IM SO EXCITED and 2) SHUT UP .
Lmao 1 is if ur happy 4 us and 2 if u dont like greatness. Well AP's got 4 lawn seats and i got 2 200's. Well i dont have OJD IM even surprised that i know what that means but AP has full out OJD . If you have any good nick pictures send to her. Or Joe pics 4 her sis in law (dont ask).
Ok, so for ur entertanment i am now going to do a dance...................................................................
.....................................................................................................................................................................! Did u like? I worked so hard on it . Lol literally i take hip-hop :)
So let me ask you a question and comment below: Who is ur celebrity crush?
Not to sound stalkerish or anything but trying to give this website som PAZZAZ!!!
And maybe even a topic started in my next blog. YES.. me and my POSITIVE LOUD VIBE WILL BE BACK. I think for some of you , the vibe is good and for others the vibe might be pissing you off so i appologize noow for any thing I might say that offends, or has to much hyper overload.
After my have to make before hand appology, lets move on to a lighter note. So everytime i come on i will post an awesome recipe. Since i bake at least 1 time a week ill let u in on SOME of my secrets.
3 Apples- corred, diced and peeled
Puff pastry
1 tsp of lemon juice
2 tbs of flour (may vary)
3 tbs Sugar ( for apples)
2 tsp sugar ( for end)
1 tbs cinimmon
1/4 cup flour (crumble)
1/2 stick butter(crumble)
1tsp sugar(crumble)
Preheat oven at 350 degrees farenheit
Roll out puff pastry till a large square. REMEMBER TO FLOUR THE ROLLING PIN
Place on tray
In a bowl ad the chopped apples, lemon juice, sugar, flour, and cinimon. (add more if desired)
Place apple mixture in the middle of puff pastry
Fold ends co it looks like a bowl with apples in the middle
In blender or food prosessor add flour, butter and sugar till crumbley like
Springle over top of apple blossom
Sprinkle sugar over
Place in oven till golden brown
Well have to go see ya later
Gio(a.k.a QueenStitches)
Apr 27, 2008
His name was Charlene, Giovanna, Josh, Vanessa, Carol, Sofia, and Maria.
Log 1:
I went to the mall after school on Friday. It was way beyond awesome. I had so much fun. We were foolish in the makeup store and I inquired as to why they were selling make up tested on animals. I made my friends vow never to shop there ever again. :) It was successful. We then went shopping around the world, or what felt like around the world. We passed the same store like 6 times in the endless labyrinth. [Did I spell that right?] Anyways, we tried on loads of stuff but considering I only had $40 to spend, I bought a new pair of adorable short shorts and a pretty yellow sundress at Stitches. Total: $35. I was happy. Shopping therapy was good. :)
Log 2:
After our Friday night adventures at the mall with Giovanna, Carol, Sofia and Maria, I was happy. I had somewhat of a social life this weekend. :) Then, Saturday I spent mostly inside - hanging posters on my ceiling, cleaning my room, and starting, just starting my scrapbook. I have so much scrapbooking to do. Who knew it took so much organization? ANYWAYS. This blog is about friends, not scrapbooking. So, then I went to Church like a good little innocent darling. Psh; yeah right. Then I was bored and on IM with my friend - Charlene. We decided to have a mini-party at my house. Basically, it was like a second Earth Hour. Charlene and Josh came over, then an hour or so later, Vanessa came over. We played poker, laughed, talked, then went outside and they all scared me shitless. I get freaked out easily and Josh is evil. After extracting the lamp from its spot in the closet, we went down to the swings. Scary shit. I swear, we could've been in a horror movie. Then we went back inside and played more poker. It was a good night; lots of laughs.
Then: the disaster called life returned.
I've been crushing on this guy for a while.
And I told him.
Basically, he doesn't like me back. You know that stupid "let's just be friends" line? Yeah. I hate it. Forever.
But, I haven't been crying for six hours straight. Charlene and Vanessa helped me through it. :) I'm actually okay. :)
Anyways, I love my friends. :)
Except Josh.
Lmao. jks.
Apr 22, 2008
Once upon this disaster called life we all went to school and got our bags full of bricks called textbooks that the teachers expect us to read, comprehend and answer questions in. Well... Newsflash: WE DON'T!
I, for one, hate homework. I'm all for the learning thing - better education, better paying job, better money - but why, oh why, do we need to get homework? Like we don't do enough work AT SCHOOL!? We need to work AT HOME too?! It sucks. Sucks, SUCKS, SUCKS!
Math is stupid. AP Math is stupid. ALL MATH IS STUPID. I'm currently going through some math issues right now in case you haven't noticed. We're learning angles, big whoop right? And, I admit I'm a bit of a math geek, so when I wasn't enthused, big deal. Angles are boring, corresponding, opposite, supplementary, parallel lines, whatever. No biggie. Then came the diagonals.
Quote: "When you insert a diagonal in the midsection between a line segment, and you attach all of the diagonals the same shape is formed with the same number of sides inside the original polygon."
Okay, A) WTF? B) Diagram makes some sense. Then we start learning all this shit about equal angles and parallel lines and other stupid stuff and all the properties of different shapes. Now, I can usually memorize stuff but this is just unreal. HELP ME! Please. Help me. I'm so going to fail my math test Friday. Gulp.
Hating Homework,
(Ha! And my english prof says I can't do alliteration!)
Apr 20, 2008
Funny Love
You say: "Hey. Careful. Your eyes are bleeding makeup."
Apr 19, 2008
CN Tower

Once upon this disaster called life I climbed the CN Tower.
And for all you dimwits (no offense, cause I call everyone a dimwit. :P) out there who think I scaled the CN Tower - I did not. I climbed the stairs with one of my good and life-long friends, Emily, to raise money for WWF, no. Not wrestling.
Yes, it was hard but it was pretty fun too. And you feel such a sense of pride and invincibility once you reach the top - hence the blog. It's all for a great cause right? I'm into the whole environmentalist thing. It was pretty awesome.
I raised a total of $760 and Em rose $150. Not bad at all. Definitely an improvement from last year, when I raised just over $500 and went alone.
I also bet my time from last year, just over 41 minutes and completed the 144 flights in 33:57. :) Je suis tres proud. My friend is much more athletic than I, and therefore completed the (what's 144x12? or 12^3?) 1728 stairs in 29:28 minutes.
You, readers, should totally try it! It's so exhilarating, exciting, and makes you feel great. I lost 3 pounds. ; ) And you get a trip to Toronto out of it. I think there's one in the fall too for breast cancer or something. So, if I may encourage you to do something: CLIMB THE CN TOWER!
Apr 10, 2008
We Will, We Will Rock You
One word.
Once upon this disaster called life I went to go see We Will Rock You. It was amazing beyond belief. Rock us they did! Not to mention, the lead role - Galileo, was smokin' hot! The songs, by Queen, were amazing, the acting was amazing and the jokes were, guess? Amazing! It was hilarious and a lot of fun. Highly recommend it. It's definitely my favourite out of all the musicals I've seen - Mama Mia, Wicked, Lion King, Aladdin, Disney on Ice, etc.
Apr 5, 2008
Girls Day Out
Shopping with my two best friends. :) It was suh-weet. I just got home about an hour ago, and I could not have had more fun. We went down town and shopped till we dropped(books + a A&F sweater) after a healthy and delicious (poutine) lunch.
Arrive at L.A. Station: 12:15.
Arrive at Downtown Mall: 1-ish.
Finish lunch: 1:45.
Finish shopping: 3:50.
Buy popcorn: 4:00.
Finish popcorn: 4:00.
Leave mall: 4:01.
Arrive 4 stops too far w/ time to spare: 4:15.
Arrive at L.A. Station: 4:35.
Church... Eye roll.
Arrive at Charlene's house: 6:30.
Arrive at home: 10:15.
Yeah... Basically, that was it. :P
Inside joke of the night:
9x2 is 3!
Lmao; love you guys!