Alright. So, lately, I've become something close to 10x lamer than usual.
Because I keep saying stupid phrases.
So, I've decided (with Anne) to stop saying omg, fail and like.
Furthermore, we've come up with substitue phrases.
Instead of omg, oh my cheese or oh my cheese covered corn! (back story is further down)
Instead of fail, fizzle.
Instead of like - well, just don't use it.
Also, instead of the f word, fun.
Ie: funking, fun you, etc.
Other phrases include:
Fizzle of titantic proportions
Behemoth win
You funkin fizzle
Son of a batch of cookies!
Climb the ladder of lameness
Climb the lame ladder
That's pretty much it..
Remember to thumbs up my definitions. (:
PS: I've decided to change my Alias from AntiPrincess to PrudenceBubbletoes
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3 years ago