I'm really hoping that he hasn't figured out my blog yet...
If YOU, and you know who you are, find this, then please don't read it!
I'm begging you, please. DO NOT READ THIS..
If you read this, then I will know and you have to tell me what my surprise is.
Anyway, for all my other readers, what do you think of this song list so far?
1. Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
2. Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
3. I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift
Or Crazier - Taylor Swift
4. I Must Be Dreaming - The Maine
5. I want a glee song in here!
6. Here In Your Arms - HelloGoodbye
7. My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson
8. All You Need is Love - The Beatles
9. Fall for You - Secondhand Serenade
Or Your Call - Secondhand Serenade
10. Why Can't I - Liz Phair
11. For You I Will - Teddy Geiger (maybe)
12. Change For You - Midway State (maybe)
13. Last Christmas - I haven't decided which version to use yet
14. All I Want for Christmas - Mariah Carey
Anne, if you see this, call me.
Prudence B
100% kostenlose Dating Seite
3 years ago