Nov 18, 2009

Fairy he-males with vaginal wings

With the title being my own personal MLIA, below are my favourites:

Today, I was at work. We had a seemingly British customer come in, and he and I got into a conversation about where we were from. He mentioned that although he has a British accent (he's from Liverpool), his mother was Irish. Jokingly, I asked if he was also part leprechaun, as he was rather short with flaming red hair. He winked at me, reaching behind my ear to pull out a gold coin. I will never doubt the existence of leprechauns again. MLIA.

Today while reading laws for the province of British Columbia, I came across one that stated it is illegal to kill a Sasquatch. I'm glad that we even protect our mythical creatures up here in Canada. MLIA. Go Canada. :)

Today, I realized that I still unconsciously hold on to my childhood tendency to run, leap and dive onto my bed rather than just getting in because I don't want the boogeyman to grab my feet. I'm almost 16, and it seems like a legitimate method of prevention to me. MLIA... Me too! :)

With love,

Prudence B.

PS: If anyone wants to try and guess at what happened that relates to the title, go ahead. :)
Cause I'm not telling until I hear a couple of good guesses.


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HEY! said...

WTF? why do you have a bunch of azn writing? :O CREEEEEEEEEPYYYYYY

HEY! said...

omg its porn!