Sep 4, 2009

The Cove

I just saw the documentary, The Cove. The movie is about the brutal slaughter of over 23,000 dolphins per year in Japan for the fishing industry. Not only does the movie broadcast the cruelty and the horror of this slaughter, it also sheds light upon the mercury levels within these dolphins - an estimated 2000 ppm (parts per million), when Japan's standards are 0.4 - that are entering the food market and are being eaten unknowingly as most dolphin meat is not marked. The movie did an excellent job of displaying the common misconceptions, the ignorance around the world and the media blockage that is occuring in Japan. Although it was incredibly horrific, these atrocities need to be seen so they can be stopped!

Dolphins are the epitome of beauty, grace and innocence. They are friendly and a bond can easily be created between humans and dolphins. Their wonderful dispositions should not be taken for granted through cruel and tortorous slaughter. To listen to the eerie cries of these amazing creatures was absolute agony. No creature should have to lose its friends and family; should have to be put through this monstrous annihilation!

Please, help stop this now.
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